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Saturday 17 January 2015

Text Functions

The Text Functions in Excel are those that allow you to manipulate text strings to get the desired results. Here are some of the most commonly used text functions:

CHAR - Returns the character at the specified number.

CONCATENATE - Joins several text items into one.

EXACT - Compares two text strings and tell us if they are exactly alike. Is case sensitive.

FIND - Returns the starting position of one string within another. Unlike SEARCH (), this function is case sensitive.

LEFT - Returns characters to the left of a string according to the number of characters specified.

LEN - Returns the number of characters in a string.

LOWER - Converts a string to lower case.

MID - Extracts a specified number of characters from a string.

PROPER - Converts the first letter of each word in upper case text.

REPLACE - Replaces part of a text string with a different text string.

REPT - Repeats text a given number of times.

RIGHT - Returns characters to the right of a text string according to the number of characters specified.

SEARCH - Returns the starting position of one string within another. Unlike FIND (), it does not distinguish between upper case and lower case.

SUBSTITUTE - Replace the existing text with new text in a string.

T - Checks if a value is text and returns text if it is and empty if it is not.

TEXT - Converts a value in text format specified text.

TRIM - Removes all spaces from a string except single spaces between words.

UPPER - Converts a string to upper case.

VALUE - Converts a text that represents a number in number.

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