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Who am I

Hello, first of all let me thank you for visiting my page.

I am passionate about Excel since I first used it when I was at university in Madrid. From that moment a love between the two began. Back in 2000, I moved to London and began to work in jobs that were basically based in heavy use of Excel. I also had colleagues who were pretty good in Excel so that I could learn from them. And since then, the feeling grew, using Excel 2003, 2007, 2010 and now 2013. Each version being logically better than the predecessor.

With thousands of hours in Excel, and always being the contact point for anything to do in Excel in every job that I've had, I decided to create this page so that people may have more information about this incredibly powerful tool, and so that we can learn from each other.

Not long ago I left my job as a data analyst for UNICEF UK to embark in a new adventure and change our lives. I have now moved to Malta, and I want to start sharing my passion and learn from those who share it .

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