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Wednesday 21 January 2015

FREQUENCY function

Category: Statistical functions

What does this function do?

Count the cells in a range that meet one or more specified conditions.


FREQUENCY(data_array, bins_array)

  • data_array (required):An array of or reference to a set of values for which you want to count frequencies. If data_array contains no values, FREQUENCY returns an array of zeros.
  • bins_array (required): An array of or reference to intervals into which you want to group the values in data_array. If bins_array contains no values, FREQUENCY returns the number of elements in data_array.


=FREQUENCY(A1:A6,B1:B3) = {0, 1, 2, 3}, if A1:A6 = {11; 20; 21; 30; 29; 29} and B1:B3 = {10; 17; 23}. This means that the number of values equal to 10 or less is 0, the number of values in the interval 11 to 17 is 1, the number of values in the interval 18 to 23 is 2 and the number of values greater than 23 are 3.

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